Wrap-Around Labelling

We offer a wide range of wrap-around solutions for the food industry as well as the paint industry. Typical solutions include wrap-around labelling of conical and cylindric cans and pails.

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Wrap-around labeling (also known as full-wrap labeling or full-body labeling) is a labeling technique used in packaging where a label is wrapped around the entire surface of a container or product.

This labeling technique allows for maximum surface area coverage and visibility, as the label is visible from all angles. It is commonly used in the labeling of cylindrical containers such as bottles, cans, and jars, but can also be used on other shapes.

Wrap-around labeling is often used in the food and beverage industry to provide information such as product name, ingredients, nutritional information, and other important information required by law. It can also be used for branding and marketing purposes, as the large surface area allows for more space to display graphics and other promotional content.

At HM Systems, we have many years of experience in developing and delivering solutions for wrap-around labeling.